Membership benefits

Some of the great benefits with joining the WPC National car club are having access to an abundant amount out resources to your classic or modern collectable. Board directors and membership members have a wealth of knowledge that they are happy to share and knowledge transfer to young and old.

Also with your annual membership you will receive our bi-monthly  32 page Color newsmagazine, The WPC News,  which has been a multiple-time winner of the Golden Quil Award. Ours is a high quality magazine that features interesting articles on many Chrysler Products and history of the Corporation, as well as technical information and free classified advertising for all members.

Another new feature we are working on is an online members portal, which will give you access to – 

The Social tab contains stories from other members in your club. Share your club related stories with other members.

The Activities tab will list upcoming activities that your club is hosting or just sharing information about.

The Files tab is where you can access files that your club shares with you, like newsletters for example. Keep in mind that these files are for club members only, don’t post them on the internet or share them with non club members.

The Club Store tab is where you can purchase club merchandise and register for events.

The Classifieds tab is where you can view and create classified ads within your club.

The Settings tab is where you can see your current membership information and set your communication preference settings.

    Enjoy using the portal!!